Tine Thygesen joins TV2 News Business Class as regular commentator

I’ve said yes to be a regular commentator on business news on TV2 News Business Class. ⁣ ⁣

As business leaders we need to navigate the temptations of the free market - staying within the boundaries of the moral and ethical way of doing business. Just because something is legal, doesn’t mean it’s right, which the climate crisis has shown us more than anything. Yet many leader betray the societal trust put in them for the sake of profits and personal gains. ⁣ ⁣

In the Business Class program we debate current business events, trying to see through the smokescreens and get behind the stories and the people. We look at who is right, who is just, who is winning, and who is falling behind. ⁣ I’m on the show roughly once a month.


Tine Thygesen’s shift to "Green Business’ featured in Berlingske Tidende