Tine Thygesen has been highly involved with the startup movement in Scandinavia and Norway, and has been involved with a multitude om startup companies.
She believes in a form of capitalism that is commercial, environmentally responsible, profitable, ethical, social, transparent and shows a great deal of leadership.
Investment Funds
Innofounder - Tine Thygesen is chairperson of the Innofounder grant program at Innovationsfonden. Innofounder grants around 130m DKK in grants to very early stage promising startups each year, mainly in the verticals Health, Green and Technology.
Klimaskovfonden - Tine Thygesen was part of the executive board and management team that created Klimaskovfonden for the Danish government. The fund attracts private and public funding and channels it to marked-effective planting of new danish forests. Appointed by Minister of the Environment Lea Werdelin and reappointed by Magnus Heunicke.
Rockstart Agrifood and Rockstart New Energy - Tine Thygesen was part of the long standing executive board & management team that transitioned Dutch accelerator Rockstart to an early stage micro VC with several funds in Food, Agriculture, New Energy and Emerging Technology.
Coop Invest - Tine Thygesen was part of the executive board team that created a 100 mil DKK future foods & technology fund for Coop, the national supermarked gigant, as well as on the investment committee.
Markedsmodningsfonden - Long standing member of this public investment fond that granted growth and marked-grabbing initiative funding for promising new companies. Appointed by the Minister of Commerce
Tine Thygesen is best known for the creation of Founders House and Startup Village which she co-founded in 2011 and which later turned into a Danish/Norwegian company Mesh Community (for a time known as The Creators Community) which owns Matrikel1, Mesh National Teatret, Mesh Youngstorget and Digs Trondheim. Tine Thygesen and these companies were a part of pioneering the startup movement in Denmark and Norway. In this close-knit community Tine Thygesen worked closely with some of Denmarks largest successes.
Tine Thygesen also cofounded Triptale, Everplaces, Nordic Cleantech Cup and Global Event Supplies.
Startup Boards
Tine Thygesen has sat on a number of startup boards and positions of trust. Including board memberships at Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship (CBS), Easier, Elvium, Voluntas, GoodWings, ITU Business Development (IT University). National expert advisor to Nordic council of ministers, startup strategy advisor to the European Union. Jury member of Webby Awards, Lovie Awards, Oslo Innovation Week awards, green startup awards and a multitude of others.
Voyagers Climate-Tech Fund
An initiative by David Rowan to unite a group of entrepreneurs, investors and smart people working on everything from nuclear fusion to plant-based meats. We are planning to back 60 early-stage climate-tech startups recommended by our network. The Fund typically invests $100k as the first cheque, any geography.
1: How we make things (manufacturing creates 31% of global greenhouse-gas emissions). New materials, cleaner production, waste minimisation, carbon capture.
2: How we plug in (electricity contributes 27%). Generation, storage and distribution of low-carbon alternatives to fossil fuels.
3: How we grow things (agriculture is 19%). Meeting growing food demand yet boosting soil & crop resilience, cutting fertiliser use, non-animal food sources.
4: How we get around (transportation contributes 16%). Low-carbon fuels, green transport, infrastructure.
5: How we live (construction & buildings use contributes 7%). Greener construction processes, energy efficiency, cleaner industrial processes.
Delicious flour, granola and snacks made from mashed grain, a by products from beer and whiskey making otherwise discarted. Denmark based.
Nossa Data
Making it easy to track and report your ESG to all the different standards. UK based.
Finally a personal hygiene company that is green. Planera’s pads , called Fluus, disintegrate when flushed out. UK based.