Here comes 25 new forests in 2022 as Klimaskovfonden starts planting…
Now we can share that Klimaskovfonden - The Danish Climate Forest Foundation - will be planting 24 forests and greening one lowland area (DK: lavbundsområde) in 2022!
That’s 25 specific forests (For ease of communication I’ll just call them all forests) all plantet locally here in Denmark which people can visit and see. In total they cover 230 hectares.
These trees have to grow, but over time we expect the 230 hectares to save the climate for 107.500 ton worth of CO2. Not to speak of the space it will provide for wildlife and the benefit for nature when the areas are taken out of agriculture. We will not use any pesticides or unnatural forms of control, of course.
To Klimaskovfonden, and me personally, it’s a huge triumph to get get our first tree in the ground yesterday. It’s taken a year to get here as it was exactly one year ago that I - and a group of great people from business, farming, politics and academia -said yes to help start up Klimaskovfonden and join it’s board.
During the last year we’ve created the organisation from scratch. It now consist of a super skilled small team of senior execs whom have all worked with tree planting and natural protection before. I was worried if we’d be able to find candidates who understand both business and forest management but it turned out that the strong mission of the company meant we had unprecedented strong interest. Without boring you with the details I can reveal that there is a lot of paperwork and technical questions when working with the Co2 credit area and with both the state and the private sector. But we’re getting there.
This is just the beginning. These 25 forests mark the start of the next phase in which private companies can use us as an instrument to get forests plantet in Denmark. Companies, charities and individuals can donate funds and leave it to us to take care of all the hassle, both paperwork, land rights and tree planting.
I’m also a great supporter of planting forests in other countries and pay to do so myself, but as a company it’s reassuring that these forests are specific and local, so they can can visited with employees and customers. We also take into consideration biodiversity, drinking water protection and recreational opportunities when planting forests, and we can help get forests plantet in a geographical area particularly important to you or your company.
There’s a long way to go. But at the end of the year we’re at least 230 hectars closer to the goal in Denmark.
Official press lease here
Første spadestik: Kirsten Brosbøl, formand. for Klimaskovfonden, Kasper Roug, miljøordfører i Folketingets miljø- og fødevareudvalg og Simon Hansen, borgmester Guldborgsund Kommune